I am DONE decluttering the closet in our spare bedroom! You can see that I used a closet organizer and clear totes for the stuff I will be keeping. I also created a box for each of my children, recycled and threw away some things, and donated quite a bit. I also have a stack […]
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Slumping Real Estate Sales While the national sales price remains little changed, sales of existing homes have continued to slide for the last 5 months. Billings MT has experienced much the same. Sales have continued to slide each month since March, and then July saw a slight uptick of 7% in sales. However, that doesn’t […]
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Are you mobile, rooted or simply STUCK? Are you stuck in a job, in a career, in a community? Mobility for Americans in the last two centuries have allowed for individual success and greater financial freedom for their families. According to National Association of Realtors, more Americans are staying put for longer periods of time. […]
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You have been thinking of downsizing, simplifying your life, getting rid of the boxes of clutter that weigh you down. Here are a few tips to help in making the decision to a smaller apartment, patio home or retirement villa and getting to a worry-free life. Remember, it doesn’t have to be permanent. Many people feel that the […]
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