1) Create a budget for your move. Moving boxes can be purchased at your local hardware or big box stores, or look on Craigslist or sovial media sites for someone just unpacking theirs.

2) Reserve a moving truck for moving day. Weekends at the end of the month are usually busy, so advance reservations are necessary.

3) Begin packing and purging at the same time. Pack slowly, thinking of what may be/may not be in use for the next 3-4 weeks.

4) If moving out of the area, gather financial and medical records to be taken with you.


1) Set up a moving day box. Items necessary for the “first night” in your new digs. Remember a small coffee pot, coffee, and coffee cups for making instant energy.  And  don’t forget about your pets.

2) Transfer utilities. Making sure you have power, heat, and hot water for a shower are ohhh so necessary. Don’t forget your cable, internet, and newspaper delivery.

3) Change your mailing address.You don’t want to miss bills, subscriptions, or other important items being delivered.

4) Pack a toolbox of necessary items such as a hammer, screwdrivers, duct tape, etc.

5) Recruit help for moving day. Promise of pizza and beer may help you recruit more folks.


1) Start early with coffee and a protein packed breakfast. Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water through the day will keep your energy up better than donuts and other snacks.

2) The day before, call to confirm your rental truck reservation and arrive there 15 minutes early. If you have hired a moving crew allow time to get the truck back to your old residence.

3) Make arrangements for kids and pets. Both require adult supervision and the adults will be busy with moving and transportation.

4) Keep Calm and Breath. Take your day one moment at a time and allow yourself time to enjoy the process.  Many great memories can and will be made on Moving Day