Financing is First. Making sure your credit score is good, your debts are paid, and your job history and employment are secure. Finding a lender and getting pre-qualified for a loan is step one. Your credit score and down-payment, income and debts will determine WHAT you can afford.
Once your lender has pre-qualified you for a loan, they will ask for pay stubs, income taxes, bank statements and other documents to pre-approve you for a loan. The lender will prepare a good faith estimate on the money you will need to purchase your home. If you do not have all the funds required, ask your lender about VA, FHA, City of Billings, HomeStart or Neighbor Works financial opportunities.
When you are pre-qualified you will know how much house you can afford. It is time to list your wants and needs. Remember the phrase, “location, location, location” Make a list of your must haves (certain school districts for the kids, number of bedrooms) and what you would like to have (family room, pool or double car garage).
When you have been pre-qualified, you will know how much house you can afford. You may begin shopping on the internet, going to open houses, and meeting real estate agents. It is a good idea for you to HIRE YOUR OWN AGENT, and then look for your house. You may contact Trina White now to discuss your future home needs. With the help of your agent, they will assist you in negotiations of a sale price, repairs that may be required by you or the lender, and the road to closing.